Don’t Focus on Being Productive
Currently, I’m surrounded by videos, posts, and content about productivity, and most times I come to the conclusion that people are productive.
The problem is that they produce and focus on the “wrong” things, or rather on things different from expectations - what’s missing is alignment.
You’re not unproductive - what’s missing is better alignment of expectations with yourself and the people around you.
Of course, there are people who, for various reasons, can’t get started, but more commonly there are people who work a lot and constantly feel they have low productivity. In these cases, when I ask what their expectations, goals, and final objective were, the answer is just a blur, with no clear definitions.
Align expectations first, then begin.
It’s okay to change “how” to do things during execution, but if the end goal is well-defined, you’ll rarely have problems.
If you change course, communicate it. For example, if I’m in traffic and won’t arrive on time, I send a message to align expectations.
I might try to find shortcuts and arrive on time, but in these cases, it’s better to align with the worst-case scenario and not create false hopes.
Be honest
if something goes wrong, communicate it.
If it goes right, communicate that too.
Productivity isn’t about doing more things, it’s about doing the right things that match expectations.
See u soon!