Giving Opportunities to People Who Need Them

When I was about to start high school in a small town in Brazil, a teacher gave me a chance to go to one of the best schools in the state for free. This was a life-changing opportunity for me.

When I started to like computers, a friend let me use his computer. This gave me the opportunity to learn about hardware and how to build computers.

When I began working, a boss gave me the chance to work in programming, even though I didn’t have any formal training in the field.

My life was built on opportunities that people gave me over time. And when I had the chance, I did the same for others.

I know it’s not always possible to have this choice. But if you can, give someone the opportunity to show what they can do.

People who are hungry for opportunities will do everything they can to make the most of the chance you give them, sometimes it’s the only chance they’ll get, and because of that, they’ll put in so much energy that you’ll be surprised.

Giving opportunities to those who really need them is one of the best decisions you can make.

It can change someone’s life forever.

And for that reason alone, it’s worth trying.